One of my New Year's goals is to get into more and better galleries. To make this task a little easier, I decided to create a small, professional-looking portfolio that I could publish and then mail out to prospective galleries. I wanted to self-publish with a "publish on demand" printer so I would have both total control over the content and layout but without a big initial layout of cash. I am quite pleased with the result. So pleased, in fact, that I've decided to make my gallery portfolio available to collectors and others for a very reasonable price. (Click on the thumbnail above to see a bigger image.)
If you're interested in my little project, please click here to go to my website for more information, as well as for how to order. (In case the link doesn't work for you, go to my web site, www.MichaelChesleyJohnson.com, and click on the "Paintings for Sale" menu item. On the Paintings page, you'll see a link for the portfolio.)