I'll never forget how many times I thought I finally understood the concept but failed miserably on each test. My own personal "test case" was the formula for calculating the volume of a cylinder. This formula appeared on a test, and I solved the problem incorrectly. When I thought I'd finally grasped the concept, I asked the teacher to put the problem on the next test. Well, I failed again...asked again, failed again...and so on, until finally one day it "clicked," and I understood the concept of variables and solved the problem.
There are two kinds of problem-solving in math. You can solve by rote -- such as using a memorized "times table" to multiply -- or by general concepts, such as with variables. Rote works well for simple problems, but bigger problems require conceptual thinking. Just try to calculate the volume of a cylinder using a pile of counting stones and no variables!
It's the same with painting. You can either follow a specific set of instructions for every possible situation you run into, or you can use general principles. For example, I have beginning students who want to know exactly what I use to mix my cloud color. I can say I use two teaspoons of Permalba white, a pinhead of Ultramarine Blue, a pinhead of Alizarin Crimson plus a half-pinhead of Sap Green to warm the mixture. You can't go wrong with this. But what if you don't have Sap Green? If you're a student who work from specifics, you'll be lost, and you'll experiment with everything on your palette to get the right color. (And you'll end up with a muddy mess!)
However, you'll succeed quickly if you apply the principle that any warm color on your palette will add warmth. So, you might try a half-pinhead of Cadmium Yellow Red or even Cadmium Yellow Deep. Don't have those? Then if you've arranged your paints in a color wheel, like I do, just move away from Alizarin Crimson in a warm direction, and you'll find the hue you need.
I became pretty good with algebra -- and geometry and even calculus -- and the concept of variables. Once I made the leap of understanding, I discovered they're not that hard and, in fact, they make life a whole lot easier. Whenever I paint, I try to take what I learn and generalize it into a concept. From a handful of concepts, I can find the answers to a multitude of problems.
The above painting, "Sisters in the Snow," a little 5x7 plein air oil I did last week, is a painting that would have been hard to make, were I to work from a list of specific "tricks." The painting was born of experience -- and the application of general principles of warm and cool colors.