Saturday, July 5, 2014
Starting to Frame the Fifty
As I write, the late Hurricane Arthur, now a post-tropical storm, is stumbling up the Bay of Fundy toward Prince Edward Island. He's still dropping plenty of rain, and our front yard is littered with leaves, branches and small trees. While 170,000 other Maritimers sit without power, we somehow still have ours. We are nervous, though, about one tall ash tree that stands in a precarious spot, whipping in the wind.
The Roosevelt-Campobello International Park just announced that it has closed due to high winds, falling limbs and trees and power outages. I don't recall it ever having done this before. It may be only a matter of time before we lose ours.
It's a good day to get some framing done. So long as my rechargeable screwdriver doesn't run out of power, I can keep going. Today I began framing the small paintings, and they are looking good. (The yard outside my studio window is a different story!)
The original Kickstarter supporters have all finished selecting their pieces, so I am now opening up to others. I am offering the remaining paintings on a first-come, first-served basis.
Price of each painting is $100, which includes frame and shipping. I will take a personal check, or we can arrange a Paypal payment if you prefer. Please contact me with your choice as described below, and I will hold the painting for you until I receive payment. You may want to give me a second choice, just in case your first one gets taken.
I will ship your painting after the exhibition at the Park ends, which would be after August 16.
To see the paintings, please go to my web page: and let me know which one you'd like. Use both the number and title. Also, please give me your shipping address. ALREADY PICKED ONES ARE MARKED "SOLD".
So, thank you again for your support! It means a lot to me.
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