Yes, I am still alive. I have been in Scotland for four days now, caught up in a whirlwind of good Scottish hospitality. I landed in Glasgow Saturday morning after an easy flight from Halifax, Nova Scotia; although I napped very little on the red-eye flight, coming to this country that seems both newly-minted and very, very old energized me, and I spent much of the day wandering the halls of the Kelvingrove Museum amazed at the treasures there. Sunday, I joined my group of artists for our painting retreat and journeyed to Gleneagles, where we are all now settled in our cottage. Thanks to our driver, Malcolm Evans, and artist
Margaret Evans, who live in this beautiful land, we have already explored and painted in a variety of excellent spots.
I'll have a full report after the trip, but the painting, dining and exploring isn't leaving me much time to keep up the blog. So, for now, I leave you with a promise of that, plus a few pictures. (I'm posting daily pictures to my Facebook studio page: