"Group Portrait: Sycamores"
12x9 oil
I love the dancer-like quality of Arizona's creekside sycamores. Degas
would have wanted to paint these. Purchase it here.
"Portrait: Thunder Mountain"
9x12 oil
Also known as Capitol Butte and Greyback, this mountain dominates the Sedona area.
I can even see it from the hilltop behind my house, ten miles south of Sedona. Purchase it here.
9x12 oil
Also known as Capitol Butte and Greyback, this mountain dominates the Sedona area.
I can even see it from the hilltop behind my house, ten miles south of Sedona. Purchase it here.
"Spring Creek Rush"
9x12 oil
The creek is up due to recent rains and snowmelt. I love the way the water
glows with olive green and yellow ochre. Purchase it here.
"The Light that Envelopes"
12x9 pastel
Oak Creek passes near where I live. Springtime, it possesses this beautiful
olive color. The sycamore seems to enjoy the creek as much
as I do. Purchase it here.